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April 21, 2020

GHSL-2020-051, GHSL-2020-052: Multiple vulnerabilities in NTOP nDPI

Bas Alberts


The NTOP Deep Packet Inspection Toolkit is driven in large part by the nDPI library. This library contains a large set of network protocol dissectors intended to parse and analyze packet-captured network traffic.

The nDPI SSH protocol dissector suffers from multiple integer overflow vulnerabilities which result in a controlled remote heap overflow. Due to the granular nature of the overflow primitive and the ability to control both the contents and layout of the nDPI library’s heap memory through remote input, this vulnerability may be abused to achieve full Remote Code Execution (RCE) against any network inspection stack that is linked against nDPI and uses it to perform network traffic analysis.

The nDPI SSH protocol dissector also suffers from an Out Of Bounds (OOB) read vulnerability which may result in a Denial of Service (DoS).

These specific vulnerabilities were introduced in the 3.0-stable release of nDPI.




Tested Version

The development branch of nDPI as of Mar 23, 2020 and commit


Multiple integer overflows in ssh.c:concat_hash_string (GHSL-2020-051, CVE-2020-11939)

NOTE: annotated source code based on:

When dissecting the SSH protocol the nDPI library will actively parse KEXINIT (type: 20) messages in both the server-to-client and client-to-server directions and attempts to extract various descriptive string sets from SSH KEXINIT packets. These string sets include e.g. the key exchange algorithms supported by the client and the server.

The SSH protocol handles string data based on the common [length][data] format, where length is a 32bit integer value. As such nDPI extracts these length values, and uses them to pull the actual string data from the SSH KEXINIT packets. nDPI also uses these length values to calculate and maintain a running offset in the captured packet data. This offset is maintained as a 16bit unsigned integer variable.

For example, to pull the key exchange algorithms out of a SSH KEXINIT packet, nDPI performs the following operations:

    if(msgcode == 20 /* key exchange init */) {
      char *hassh_buf = calloc(packet->payload_packet_len, sizeof(char));
    	  len = concat_hash_string(packet, hassh_buf, 0 /* server */);

  u_int16_t offset = 22, buf_out_len = 0;

  if(offset+sizeof(u_int32_t) >= packet->payload_packet_len)
    goto invalid_payload;

  u_int32_t len = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)&packet->payload[offset]);
  offset += 4;

  /* -1 for ';' */
  if((offset >= packet->payload_packet_len) || (len >= packet->payload_packet_len-offset-1))
    goto invalid_payload;

  /* ssh.kex_algorithms [C/S] */
  strncpy(buf, (const char *)&packet->payload[offset], buf_out_len = len);
  buf[buf_out_len++] = ';';
  offset += len;

We initially make 2 observations. First, that the destination buffer buf was previously allocated with a calloc call that is sized according to packet->payload_packet_len, which represents the actual size of the captured SSH packet. Second, that nDPI attempts to make sure that the offset and subsequently the len variables do not result in data accesses beyond packet->payload_packet_len. The intent here is to prevent read or write access outside of the bounds of the allocated buf memory region.

However, when examining the concat_hash_string function in greater detail, we note the following pattern:

  /* ssh.encryption_algorithms_client_to_server [C] */
  len = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)&packet->payload[offset]);

  if(client_hash) {
    offset += 4;

    if((offset >= packet->payload_packet_len) || (len >= packet->payload_packet_len-offset-1))
      goto invalid_payload;

    strncpy(&buf[buf_out_len], (const char *)&packet->payload[offset], len);
    buf_out_len += len;
    buf[buf_out_len++] = ';';
    offset += len;
  } else
    offset += 4 + len;

  /* ssh.encryption_algorithms_server_to_client [S] */
  len = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)&packet->payload[offset]);

  if(!client_hash) {
    offset += 4;

    if((offset >= packet->payload_packet_len) || (len >= packet->payload_packet_len-offset-1))
      goto invalid_payload;

    strncpy(&buf[buf_out_len], (const char *)&packet->payload[offset], len);
    buf_out_len += len;
    buf[buf_out_len++] = ';';
    offset += len;
  } else
    offset += 4 + len;

  /* ssh.mac_algorithms_client_to_server [C] */
  len = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)&packet->payload[offset]);

  if(client_hash) {
    offset += 4;

    if((offset >= packet->payload_packet_len) || (len >= packet->payload_packet_len-offset-1))
      goto invalid_payload;
    strncpy(&buf[buf_out_len], (const char *)&packet->payload[offset], len);
    buf_out_len += len;
    buf[buf_out_len++] = ';';
    offset += len;
  } else
    offset += 4 + len;

The client_hash variable decides whether the packet direction is server-to-client or client-to-server, but since the parsing pattern is the same for either direction it does not matter much for the sake of our discussion. For the sake of convenience we will examine the !client_hash case, but the same logic holds for the inverse.

At [1] we see that we have full control over a 32bit unsigned length integer. At [2] we see that offset is updated according to this controlled length variable based on an integer addition operation (offset + 4 + len). This arithmetic expression expands to 32bit integer values and is then truncated back to a 16bit integer value on the final assignment back into offset. This means that, given we have full control of the len variable, we can effectively integer wrap offset to be any value we wish it to be.

For example, to make offset become n where n is any desired 16bit integer value, we would simply set len to 0 - offset - 4 + n.

The practical implication here is that, given at [4] the offset variable is used to ensure no out of bounds accesses occur, and given our ability to effectively set (and RESET) offset to any desired 16bit integer value, we can pass the intended bounds checks by resetting offset to a small enough value.

This integer overflow is the core issue resulting in what ultimately becomes a controlled remote heap overflow. However, to mold this scenario into a RCE-viable situation, some additional context is required.

We’ve established that we can effectively reset offset in-between the strncpy operations that copy remote controlled data into buf. When we examine the copy operation at [5], we note that that destination offset into buf is controlled by buf_out_len. We also note that buf_out_len is adjusted upward based on the len variable, which is the length of our remote controlled string.

For practical exploitation of this issue, the fact that buf_out_len is maintained as it’s own independent offset into the destination buffer becomes relevant.

Let’s recap:

Because packet->payload_packet_len controls the buf memory allocation size, and is directly influenced by our packet size, the intuition that we can simply pack repeated large strings to trigger an offset overwrap here is less than ideal from an attacker perspective. However, what we CAN do is pack a single string into the KEXINIT SSH packet and then copy that string repeatedly. A single string will result in a calloc based on the string’s size + some minor SSH protocol overhead and since buf_out_len is not bounds checked at any point, we can reset the offset variable to point at that initial string data for each subsequent strncpy operation.

In other words, using the offset integer overflow primitive, we can trick the nDPI SSH dissector into repeatedly copying the same data into &buf[buf_out_len]. Since buf_out_len is adjusted based on our controlled string length, and not otherwise sanity checked, we can write out of bounds as early as the 2nd repeat of the strncpy operation, pending string size vs protocol overhead (which you fully control).

This then becomes a controlled remote heap overflow primitive. Since the nDPI lib has a direct relationship to remotely controlled input, and it will allocate, deallocate, and populate heap memory in a direct 1:1 relationship to said remotely controlled input, this becomes a viable primitive to achieve remote code execution.

Out of bounds read in ssh.c:concat_hash_string (GHSL-2020-052, CVE-2020-11940)

A comparatively minor, but related, repeating issue exists in the form of an OOB read, e.g. when examining the following snippet:

  /* ssh.server_host_key_algorithms [None] */
  len = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)&packet->payload[offset]);
  offset += 4 + len;

  /* ssh.encryption_algorithms_client_to_server [C] */
  len = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)&packet->payload[offset]);

We note that at [1], offset is calculated per the previously discussed integer arithmetic, which is susceptible to integer overflow. However, beyond that, we also note that at [2] the resulting offset value is immediately used as an index into packet data without any bounds check. This may result in an OOB read due to offset being fully user controlled.

A very similar pattern is repeated any time a new offset is calculated in a path that does not perform an explicit check against the resulting offset value, e.g.:

  /* ssh.encryption_algorithms_client_to_server [C] */
  len = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)&packet->payload[offset]);

  if(client_hash) {
    offset += 4;

    if((offset >= packet->payload_packet_len) || (len >= packet->payload_packet_len-offset-1))
      goto invalid_payload;

    strncpy(&buf[buf_out_len], (const char *)&packet->payload[offset], len);
    buf_out_len += len;
    buf[buf_out_len++] = ';';
    offset += len;
  } else
    offset += 4 + len;

  /* ssh.encryption_algorithms_server_to_client [S] */
  len = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)&packet->payload[offset]);

Again, at [1] the initial remote controlled len variable is used to set offset, immediately after at [2] the resulting offset is used as an index into packet data without any bounds check. This may result in an OOB read due to offset being fully user controlled.


These issues may lead to Remote Code Execution in the case of GHSL-2020-051 and Denial of Service in the case of GHSL-2020-052.


These issues were addressed in the following commit:

Coordinated Disclosure Timeline

This report was subject to the GHSL coordinated disclosure policy.


This issue was discovered and reported by GHSL team member @anticomputer (Bas Alberts).

An additional integer overflow issue affecting 32bit platforms was reported by @rhuizer (Ronald Huizer).


You can contact the GHSL team at, please include GHSL-2020-051 or GHSL-2020-052 in any communication regarding this issue.