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April 28, 2020

GHSL-2020-085: Open redirect vulnerability in Sourcegraph - CVE-2020-12283

Alvaro Munoz


An open redirect vulnerability has been found on Sourcegraph due to improper validation in the SafeRedirectURL method, as a consequence an attacker could potentially redirect a victim to any arbitrary URL and access their OAUTH token.





Tested Version

Tested on master branch up to afcd7cf010d2508bfb8393fcf9c4497dc0099180


An open redirect is a security vulnerability in which a website endpoint accepts a URL as input and and then redirects to the user-provided URL. This type of vulnerability can be used for e.g. phishing attacks in which an attacker abuses the trust relationship a victim has with the redirecting site to redirect to a malicious site. A more serious attack may occur when an application implements an oauth flow. In this scenario an attacker can abuse e.g. external service authentication (think “Login with Facebook/Google/GitHub/etc”) to redirect users to an attacker controlled site, where they will then steal the partial oauth token.

A good example of this type of vulnerability can be found in this OAuth2 advisory

SafeRedirectURL relies on url.Parse and u.Path to extract the relative path. SafeRedirectURL will transform any absolute URLs starting with // into / and any absolute URLs starting with /\\ will be URL encoded into /%5C. However, when url.Parse parses the URL it will NOT normalize double slashes (e.g: u.Path will return //bar for An attacker can abuse this behavior by crafting an URL like //foo// so that u.Path will return // which, when sent to the browser, will make it visit the absolute URL

func SafeRedirectURL(urlStr string) string {
        u, err := url.Parse(urlStr)
        if err != nil || !strings.HasPrefix(u.Path, "/") {
                return "/"

The vulnerability was found using the following CodeQL query:

 * @name Open redirect due to sanitzation bypass
 * @kind path-problem
 * @problem.severity medium
 * @id go/example/hasprefix

import go
import DataFlow::PathGraph

 predicate prefixCheck(StringOps::HasPrefix call, DataFlow::Node checked, Variable v, string prefix) {
   checked = call.getBaseString() and
   prefix = call.getSubstring().getStringValue() and
   v.getARead() = checked

predicate insuffcientPrefixCheck(StringOps::HasPrefix call, DataFlow::Node checked, Variable v) {
    prefixCheck(call, checked, v, "/")  and
    (not prefixCheck(_, _, v, "//") or not prefixCheck(_, _, v, "/\\"))


class BadRedirectConfig extends TaintTracking::Configuration {
  BadRedirectConfig() { this = "BadRedirectConfig" }
  override predicate isSource(DataFlow::Node source) {
    source instanceof UntrustedFlowSource
  override predicate isSink(DataFlow::Node sink) {
        insuffcientPrefixCheck(_, sink, _)

from DataFlow::PathNode source, DataFlow::PathNode sink, BadRedirectConfig cfg
where cfg.hasFlowPath(source, sink)
select sink, source, sink, "Bad redirect check on untrusted data from $@", source, "this source"


The full impact of this vulnerability depends on the context of use. While open redirect issues can aid phishing attacks, it also seems that SafeRedirectURL is used in Sourcegraph’s OAuth flow which may lead to token hijacks.


The vulnerability has been fixed in Sourcegraph v3.14.4 and v3.15.1

Coordinated Disclosure Timeline



This issue was discovered and reported by GHSL team members @nicowaisman (Nico Waisman), @pwntester (Alvaro Munoz) and @sauyon (Sauyon Lee).


You can contact the GHSL team at, please include the GHSL-2020-085 in any communication regarding this issue.