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June 17, 2020

GHSL-2020-100: Out of Bounds (OOB) read vulnerability in FreeRDP - CVE-2020-13396

Antonio Morales


An out-of-bounds (OOB) read vulnerability has been detected in ntlm_read_ChallengeMessage due to a memcpy with an attacker-controlled size. This issue was addressed in FreeRDP version 2.1.1.



Tested Version

Development version - master branch (May 14, 2020)

Details: Out-of-bound read in ntlm_read_ChallengeMessage function

The ntlm_read_ChallengeMessage function in ntlm_message.c performs a call to CopyMemory(context->ChallengeMessage.pvBuffer, StartOffset, length) (line 494), where length is a value that can be controlled indirectly by a potential attacker.

CopyMemory function is nothing else than a memcpy wrapper defined as:

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#define CopyMemory(Destination, Source, Length) memcpy((Destination), (Source), (Length))

As we can see below, length is equal to the addition of TargetName.Len and TargetInfo.Len, both values being controlled by the remote input.

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/* ntlm_message.c : 486 */

	length = (PayloadOffset - StartOffset) + message->TargetName.Len + message->TargetInfo.Len;

	if (!sspi_SecBufferAlloc(&context->ChallengeMessage, length))
		Stream_Free(s, FALSE);

	CopyMemory(context->ChallengeMessage.pvBuffer, StartOffset, length);

And StartOffset is a pointer to s wStream*, which in turn points to buffer->pvBuffer array. But there is any statement for checking that length value is greater than buffer->pvBuffer size.

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/* ntlm_message.c : 370 */

 PBYTE StartOffset;
 s = Stream_New((BYTE*)buffer->pvBuffer, buffer->cbBuffer);
 StartOffset = Stream_Pointer(s);

As a result, OOB reads can occurs resulting in accessing a memory location that is outside of the boundaries of the buffer->pvBuffer array.


This issue may lead to an Out-of-Bounds read.


Coordinated Disclosure Timeline

This report was subject to the GHSL coordinated disclosure policy.



This issue was discovered and reported by GHSL team member @antonio-morales (Antonio Morales).


You can contact the GHSL team at, please include GHSL-2020-100 in any communication regarding this issue.