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April 13, 2021

GHSL-2020-339: Command Injection vulnerability in OMF

GitHub Security Lab

Coordinated Disclosure Timeline


A Command Injection vulnerability has been found in Open Modeling Framework (OMF)


Tested Version

Latest commit at the time of reporting (December 15, 2020).


If an attacker manages to send a POST request to /rawImport/<owner>, they will be able to inject their own shell command by controlling the networkNameR form field.

This only seems to require 2 things (see request setup)

  1. Attacker is logged in

  2. Attacker is using its username as <owner> in the URL. (see write_permission_function and

Form field networkNameR is turned into a path here, and is then passed as the inputStr argument to _rawToMat after a few steps. Since True is passed to the filePath argument, we make the assignment rawfile_name = inputStr, and then use rawfile_name in a subprocess.Popen call which has shell=True.

Attacker should be able to use a payload like ' --bad-arg-that-will-hopefully-error-octave-cli || my-evil-shellcode # as an exploit. (a file is saved using this path, which should not be a problem).

Notice that the windows version of this call should also be vulnerable.


Remote code execution


For testing purposes, you can create your own account at


This issue was discovered and reported by the CodeQL Python team.


You can contact the GHSL team at, please include GHSL-2020-339 in any communication regarding this issue.