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September 1, 2023

GHSL-2023-084: Cross-site scripting (XSS) in Pay - CVE-2023-30614

Peter Stöckli

Coordinated Disclosure Timeline


Pay, a payments engine for Ruby on Rails, comes with a payment info page which was susceptible to Cross-site scripting. This allowed a remote attacker to execute JavaScript code in the context of the current user. An attacker could have used this vulnerability to execute requests in the name of a logged-in user or potentially collect information about the attacked user by displaying a malicious form.



Tested Version



Cross-site scripting in payments display page (GHSL-2023-084)

A payments info page of Pay was susceptible to reflected Cross-site scripting. An attacker could have created a working URL that renders a javascript link to a user on a Rails application that integrates Pay. This URL could have been distributed via email to specifically target certain individuals. If the targeted application contained a functionality to submit user-generated content (such as comments) the attacker could have even distributed the URL using that functionality.

In the show method of the PaymentsController class, the user-controlled value of the parameter named back is assigned to the instance variable named @redirect_to:

@redirect_to = params[:back].presence || root_path

This value is then rendered using a link_to helper function in the corresponding view (show.html.erb):

<%= link_to t("pay.back"), @redirect_to, [..]

The link_to view helper does not check the protocol of the provided URL, this makes it possible to provide an URL starting with javascript:.

This vulnerability was found using CodeQL’s reflected cross-site scripting query for Ruby.

Proof of Concept

Precondition: The attacker needs to know a valid Stripe Payment Intent ID for the targeted page. This Payment Intent ID doesn’t need to be newly created to work. (So the attacker can start a payment themselves and copy the payment intent ID.)

The attacker can then construct an URL such as:


E.g., such a URL could look like this:

If an existing payment intent ID for the targeted site is used, the following text is displayed to the user “This payment was already successfully confirmed.”. Below this text a button is displayed that points to the JavaScript link of the attacker.

If a targeted user clicks on this link using the “Go back” button the JavaScript is executed in context of the actual website. This means the attacker can use the logged-in user to perform actions on their behalf.


This issue may lead to Sensitive data disclosure due to reflected Cross-site scripting (XSS).


Cross Site Scripting: link to HREF



This issue was discovered and reported by GHSL team member @p- (Peter Stöckli).


You can contact the GHSL team at, please include a reference to GHSL-2023-084 in any communication regarding this issue.