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October 4-6, 2023

Devoxx Belgium 2023

Conference — Antwerp, Belgium

Devoxx Belgium 2023 will build on the immense success of the previous year, which attracted over 3,200 attendees, this five-day technology conference is set to exceed expectations. Last year, the entire ticket allocation was gone in an astonishing 5 minutes and 2 seconds!

At Devoxx Belgium 2023, attendees can look forward to a spectrum of talks and sessions from the industry’s brightest minds, spotlighting both local and global talent. Our agenda promises to delve into the newest advancements in numerous tech areas such as Cloud, Big Data, Security, Architecture, and Programming Languages.

The upcoming release of Java 21 will be a hot topic. Renowned speakers will share their knowledge and discuss the enhancements that this new version brings, providing an invaluable learning opportunity. This year, we’re also putting a special emphasis on Artificial Intelligence, with leading experts sharing insights into the latest developments and methodologies.

Attending Devoxx Belgium presents a remarkable opportunity to broaden your knowledge, refine your skills, and gain firsthand experience with the most recent technologies, particularly in the ever-evolving fields of AI and Java.

Prepare yourself for this exciting event, it’s sure to be a memorable occasion!

At this event, Joseph Katsioloudes presents Human vs AI: How to ship secure code.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is already acting as a copilot in our daily lives, acting as a digital assistant or providing personalized experiences. Despite progress in many other areas, AI has historically stopped short of improving software development practices. Enter GitHub Copilot: the software industry’s first artificial intelligence solution that distills the collective knowledge of the world’s developers into an editor extension that suggests code in real time. ChatGPT then took the world by storm with its conversational capabilities and public reactions have been quite telling.

This makes the process of building great software easier and faster, but what about more secure? In this session, we’ll demonstrate how GitHub Copilot and ChatGPT can help developers write more secure code through real-world use cases. The audience will come away with tips and best practices from the lessons we learned from experimenting with the tools.

Joseph on stage presenting Human vs AI

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